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Youth Zone

Taking Care Of Your Skin On Summer Days

As the weather finally begins to cool, it’s easy to lose track of time when you’re out and about in the sunshine. Before you know it, you’ve exposed your skin to hours of sunshine, and we all know the risks involved in that!

Youth Talk- Why Appearance Matters

A first impression is the last impression - that’s exactly what our appearance does. People judge us on the basis of our looks and the way we present ourselves. Today’s youth spend a lot of time on their appearance. But what exactly is…

Speak to Your Best Self

Public speaking is a pursuit that is close to my heart, and a passion I believe to be advantageous to everyone if fostered. Here’s why:

Pursuing Social Work ; All for One

Altruism is the purest quality found in humanity. If harnessed, it has the capability of becoming a force for social change. With this in mind, pursuing social work is a noble cause.


Problem solving is a skill intrinsic to the advancement of human evolution that is essential at every stage of life. It is the major root cause of the discovery of new inventions, social and cultural evolution and the crux of market based…

Are You Sabotaging Your Career?

My experience working with thousands of leaders worldwide for the past two decades teaches me that most leaders are ruining their careers.

Internet: A Boon or a Bane?

The Internet is one of the most constructive mediums of our century, and has found its existence in billions of households around the world. As the Internet’s fame is increasing day by day, there is always a question hanging around the…

Alzheimer’s – A Battle of Medical Discovery

‘The leading cause of death’: A frustratingly frequent phrase repeated in newspapers and health magazines to television ads and more. A frightening phrase that finds itself being associated with heart disease or cancer.

5 Violent Games That You Should Not Play And Why

These days, we play many video games, but there are some video games we should not play. In most children, these types of games affect your opinion, and massive exposure to violent games leads to aggressive behaviour, desensitisation, and…