Hearty Congratulations to ‘The Young Vision’ Team on their 6th Anniversary. The TYV has not only ignited the spark of reading in the young generation but also expanded their horizons of thinking and the art of writing. Read More
Congratulations Team ‘The Young Vision’!The Young Vision publication, I must admit, makes for a very interesting and informative read, and is a grand platform to showcase the ideas and hidden talents of both students and educators…
No doubt you people are doing something amazing by providing information in such a comprehensive and eye catching manner. What I like most in The Young Vision is firstly, that it is concise but covers all the information required, and…
As a new Ambassador, I have learned many things from The Young Vision Team and the Ambassadors before me. They have demonstrated to me leadership, public speaking skills, etc. Read More
“What the mind can convince and believe, the mind can achieve” From blogging to writing in newspaper editorials, my journey as a young writer can be summarised best by this wise quote. Read More
YBTH is a great event. VERY WELL RUN! Kudos to Mr. Kaushal and Dr. Namrata Pathania and their team for organising this event every year. YBTH gives a fantastic opportunity to students to experience real-world business and in return gain…
Where the world is running out of most of its vital resources, what we still have in our hand is our youth. These 1.2 billion young minds, with their remarkable perception and extraordinary Read More.
Writing, reading, and creative exploration helps us decipher the expanding enigma of our minds. We, as students, are constantly growing and in need for a platform where Read More
"This innovative Ambassador programme by the TYV has helped me develop my personal and overall skills, both in academics and co- curricular activities. Read More
Apart from wanting to satisfy my own selfish desires of being able to listen to and interact with others by being an Ambassador (it’s human nature and I’m a victim of humanity) Read more.