E-Magazine Sep-Oct, 2015













Celebrating Hope…Fighting against Alzheimer’s Disease

Welcome back! The start of the school year always seems to signify the beginning of the end of summer.  We’d love to see you all with new enthusiasm and a keen desire to immerse yourself into the next year of learning. 

As our dedicated readers know, we’re always coming up with ways to keep The Young Vision fresh and dynamic. And what better time to make a change than when we are celebrating our 4th year! So, this issue we hope you notice two changes. We’ve rebranded, embracing our TYV acronym…easier to text, tweet and share! We’re also absolutely delighted to have reached a huge milestone – we’re now in Arabic! Going bilingual is something we’ve been working hard on behind the scenes, and we’re over the moon to see it finally in print. As ever, none of this progress would have been possible without you. So, thank you. And enjoy!

This month we are celebrating “Hope” as this September is World Alzheimer’s Month.  Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias can cause people to act in different and unpredictable ways. It’s an ideal time for all of us to be actively involved in generating awareness of this disease, showing support and helping to raise awareness so that we can one day find a cure.

Remember! Learning is empowering, and we can make September a month of sharing all that we know about this disease. Together, we can make a difference!

What will you do to help make a difference during World Alzheimer’s Month? What simple things can you do today? Share your thoughts – we’re waiting to hear it all from you. Let us know what you want and need from TYV Magazine. Write on our Facebook Page – theyoungvisionpage or you can send me an e-mail directly at editor@theyoungvision.com.

Happy reading!