Education in Qatar


By Apoorvaa Bichu, 11, Our Own English High School, Sharjah

From better health to increased wealth, education is the catalyst of a better future for millions of children, youth and adults.” – Irina Bokova (Director-General of UNESCO)

The State of Qatar believes investment in education is the biggest step towards an advanced, viable and sustainable economy. It is in accordance with Article 26 of the UN human rights charter which states that every individual has the right to education and shall be provided for free at least until the elementary stage by the government.

Qatar is steadily becoming one of the most significant players in the field of education innovation, supporting a raft of projects from grassroots basic literacy through to high-end university research.
It has taken various steps to propagate knowledge among the youth who are the young leaders of tomorrow by building universities, reforming the school system, as well as improving vocational training and setting up an international forum for finding the most effective forms of innovation.

In conclusion, Qatar stands firm on the path of knowledge and youth empowerment and asserts that education is the best tool to bring a positive change in society and to develop a generation of responsible individuals; it urges the member states to regard development of the educational sector as a chief priority.