CBSE introduces mandatory Health & Physical Education subject for Std 9-12


NAGPUR: CBSE has directed all its schools to reserve one period daily from 2018-19 academic session for physical education for Std IX-XII, because it wants to ‘mainstream’ the subject for holistic development of students. The Health and Physical Education (HPE) program will be a mandatory for all schools and CBSE will be releasing details about the curriculum in the near future.

The board’s chairperson Anita Karwal wrote to schools that, “CBSE has decided to mainstream HPE with the aim of holistic development of the child, leading to a well-balanced individual in all walks of life”. The letter added that the aim of mainstreaming HPE is also to enable the students to attain an optimum state of health.

In Nagpur, CBSE schools will start their classes for 2018-19 from April first week itself and some principals feel that the board has to stop doing things ‘at the last minute’.

A principal who did not wish to be identified, said, “It’s a record now with CBSE that they start and stop things without any warning. Things that should be given at least a year are done at the snap of the finger, as the groundwork is anyway going to be done by schools.” She mentioned that the announcement of reverting to traditional board exam was a sudden decision, followed by scrapping of options in English subject for Std IX and X.

Reena Dargan, principal of Ira International, said, “No doubt that the idea is fantastic as PE is a crucial part. But my question is where is the time in the timetable to accommodate the HPE? Something will have to be cut or shortened to make space for HPE as a daily feature. We are hoping that when CBSE releases details of HPE, it will also suggest how everything will fit into the template.”

Anmol Badjatia, principal of Jain International School, said, “CBSE has always focused on holistic development and HPE will be an integral part of the curriculum. I think CBSE will add some theory to the PE classes.”

It also poses a challenge for CBSE schools that have integrated coaching tie-ups in Std XI and XII. Since majority of science stream students are focused on preparing for competitive exams, apart from boards, time is at a premium. A principal, said, “I think the HPE will be neglected big time by schools in Std XI and XII. Students are running a tight schedule by running between school, coaching classes and home.”

Source: Times of India