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Dealing with Bullying
Bullying has become really common nowadays and, especially with growing technology, there is a risk everywhere. Personally, even I have been the victim of bullying – in grade 7and 8 - so I can understand how much bullying can affect you.
Alzheimer’s – A Battle of Medical Discovery
‘The leading cause of death’: A frustratingly frequent phrase repeated in newspapers and health
magazines to television ads and more. A frightening phrase that finds itself being associated
with heart disease or cancer.
Beat exam stress in 6 easy steps with this cheat sheet
Stressing about the finals? A reasonable amount of pre-exam anxiety is normal, and is in fact good for you because it motivates you to work smarter. However, no one likes to be nervous and stressed hours before an exam. Losing sleep before…
STRAIGHT TALK – Women in Western Medicine
As a female student aspiring to become a Public Health Practitioner, I am constantly reflecting back on the feats that physicians, allied health practitioners, health policy makers and other renowned professionals have…
Youth Talk – An Interview with Ameneh Baghestani, a second-year medical student at MBRU’s College of…
UAE medical students set sights on becoming the next generation of world leading surgeons at a symposium hosted by King’s College Hospital London and Mohammed Bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences.Clinicians and students…
I ♡ Sleep
Sleep and I, we have a complicated relationship. When I was a teeny weeny toddler, me and Sleep never had much of a connection, but now things have changed, I go through one of those clingy-attachment issues with Sleep. Now I feel like…
Overcoming FOMO
This probably happens daily to most of us - I used to get up every morning to the sound of the alarm from my phone. My instinct then, was to pick up the phone and look at my notifications and updates from my social network. Digitisation is…
Thought of Early Cancer Detection
When I laid there beside you,
Could you feel me there?
My arms were wrapped around you,
And I was stroking your hair.I watched your every breath,
And prayed that each one wasn't your last.
The time we got to share together,…
Getting to Know Our Mental Health Series – Part 3
Did you Missed Getting to Know Our Mental Health Series? Read Here
Taking back control
Okay, I know it’s been a long summer. But cast your mind back to the last issue of TYV. We talked about some of the science behind mental health – in…
Getting to Know Our Mental Health Series – Part 2
Did you Missed Getting to Know Our Mental Health Series? Read Here
Is it really all in the mind?
Last issue, I introduced you to a new topic – mental health. At TYV, we’re always talking about wellbeing, ambitions and aspirations, and…