Animation and graphics is the combination of art with technology to produce movies, websites, digital content, video games etc. This domain requires having basic knowledge of fine arts along with ability to use computers and technology for creating digital special effects, producing 2D and 3D programs, creating graphics for websites, logos, illustrations etc. UI/UX designers are at the helm of this work. This can be an ideal job for people who have a creative bent of mind and are also tech savvy. Along with the right education in the field, one should have an attitude and passion to excel in animation graphics. Bachelor’s degree in graphic designing, graphic arts or visual communication is available in various universities and institutes. One can also pursue bachelors in fine arts and then apply for a certificate or diploma course in animation. If one’s interest lies in UI/UX design, then computer science is an important subject for them. Job opportunities are available in Top Design Firms, Adverstising Agencies, MNCs, Website and App Development Agencies, Electronic Industry, Entertainment Industry amongst others. Trending Field: Character Animator, UI/ UX Designers, Graphic Designers