Beating diabetes is all about resolve

[Thousands participate in the Beat Diabetes Walkathon 2016 at Zabeel park to raise awareness about diabetes.]

Experts advise patients to set personal goals and go on the offensive in managing disease.

Dubai: Despite medical advances, education and awareness, diabetes is on the rise in the UAE.

According to the atlas of the International Diabetes Federation (, in the UAE, there are approximately one million people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, with approximately 450,000 of those cases being undiagnosed, making it more of an issue now than ever before.

On World Diabetes Day (November 14), it is imperative that we review the steps being taken by health care professionals and diabetics to resolve this issue.

Unless residents set personal goals and go offensive on the diabetes prevention path, there is very little that doctors can do on their own, say endocrinologists and experts.

Gulf News looks at the challenges for diabetics and how they can be overcome.

Source: Gulf News