Young people feel more lonely than older generations, study suggests


One in four 18 to 30-year-olds report feeling isolated compared to one in 10 older people, according to research by Young Women’s Trust.

[A study shows one in four 18 to 30-year-olds say they felt isolated, with young women feeling most lonely ( Getty )]
Young people feel more lonely than those in later life, with one in four 18 to 30-year-olds saying they feel isolated, according to a new report.

A survey conducted by the Young Women’s Trust of more than 4,000 young people and 1,100 aged between 54 and 72 showed that the figure stood at one in 10 for people aged 64 to 72.

The charity, which supports young women on low or no pay, said its research indicated that young women felt most lonely.

Yorkshire and the Humber emerged as the loneliest region for young people, with 29 per cent, followed by 27 per cent in London. Young people in Wales feel the least lonely, at 20 per cent.

Among the reasons for loneliness could be a lack of close relationships, with one in five in the charity’s survey saying they feel like they have no one to turn to.

The Office for National Statistics earlier this year found that “younger renters with little trust and sense of belonging to their area” were particularly at risk of isolation.

Young Women’s Trust’s chief executive Dr Carole Easton said: “We cannot ignore the epidemic of loneliness among young people, and especially young women, in the UK.

“Feeling isolated can have a bad impact on young women’s confidence and their mental health.

“Combined with a lack of networks, this can make it harder to look for jobs and can lead to young women being shut out of the labour market.

“As well as investment in community and mental health services, more support is needed for young women who want to work.

“This could include mentoring to help ease women’s move back into education or employment. Tackling loneliness would benefit individuals, businesses and the economy.”

It comes after a separate study found that the majority of adults in the UK who experience loneliness are afraid that no one will notice if something bad happens to them.

The research, published by the British Red Cross in November, found that approximately 9 million people in the UK said they often felt lonely, with many struggling to make lasting, social connections with others.

Source: Independent