Why is choosing a university like a maze?

Written By - The Young Vision Ambassador, Rea Marwaha, Dehli Private School - Dubai.


A survey on 35,878 teens in San Francisco reported that at least 45% of them were stressed “all the time” out of which an alarming rate of 9.47% of them claimed that this was due to immense pressure imposed on them to select the right college!!

The life of a high school student can be quite demanding, with various issues such as societal and academic pressures, an increase in responsibilities, uncertainty about their future and, no doubt, the task of choosing a university coupled with the petrifying process of even getting there! Just the thought of entrance exams, the filling out of applications, and the anticipation of results could send a chill down the spines of many.

While evaluating possible university options, it is vital to conduct detailed research and be aware of the following conditions:

An appropriate academic course of study that efficiently encompasses their interests as well as lays the groundwork for prospective career options in the future.
Campus locations and nearest necessities such as grocery stores, hospitals, familiar contacts, etc.

  • Housing and dietary options.
  • Sports and on campus activities.
  • Health and wellness facilities.
  • Quality and performance of professors.
  • College ranking in various fields.
  • School’s accreditation opportunities.
  • Ensure that the campus offers a secure and guarded experience to the students while additionally providing opportunities for building their social capital.
  • Internship and research opportunities.
  • Financial alternatives need to be reviewed cautiously as well.

Navigating through all these challenges can be complex and confusing. Nevertheless, it is of utmost importance to keep an open mind and learn to adjust in any given situation during a student’s college life. The anxiety and stress can be easily overlooked with a positive mindset and an understanding that sacrifice is crucial to succeed and make significant progress.