What’s in Your Genes? We know from twin and family studies that your personality is just less than 50% inherited from your parents. A new study in Nature Genetics has made a substantial impact on how we see ourselves. This paper shows that genetic profile is directly associated with personality. The researchers at the University of California identified six gene variations that correlate with different personality test scores. The research also showed that many of the genes involved in personality overlap with those involved in the risk of developing physical disease and mental health disorders.
Just4Me Lifestyle has been working with Professor Kennedy, a Neuroscientist and Founding Fellow of the Harvard Medical School Hospital, to make the scientific research simple. This is to ensure anyone can understand what they can do to improve their genes, their health and even performance.
As explained by Prof. Kennedy, a gene is a segment of DNA that is coded to pass along a certain trait; it has a specific task for example determining your blood group, colour of your eyes etc. Genes are the simplest building blocks of heredity. They are grouped together in specific patterns within a person’s chromosomes, forming the unique “blueprint” for every physical and biological characteristic of that person.
Chromosomes are made up of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules. Humans have 46 chromosomes arranged in pairs in every living cell of our bodies. When the egg and sperm join at conception, half of each chromosomal pair is inherited from each parent.
Your genome has survived 3.8 billion years of modification to get where it is in your cells today.
Over 3 billion letters in our human code are responsible for building around 25,000 genes that make you who you are. These 3 billion letter contain the instructions for both physical and psychological qualities.
As well as determining characteristics such as eye and hair color, your genes can also directly cause or increase your risk of a wide range of medical conditions.
By working together with the world’s leading and most innovative biotech companies and researchers like Professor Kennedy they can offer genetic testing that enables individuals to discover new insights about their body and its functions.
Through a simple saliva test, their NutriFit test analyses over 110 genes related to nutrition, diet, fitness, and even psychology. Due to genetics, the same kind of training doesn’t work for everyone therefore an optimized approach is essential and absolutely necessary for optimal diet and training results. With this information they can provide guidelines allowing you to take appropriate actions in order to optimize your athletic performance, improve your health and wellbeing, find the right diet and eating plan, positively affect the quality of your life and minimize the possibility of developing diseases and health related problems
Just4Me are not just limited to fitness and nutrition and one of their goals is addressing the main issues in the region which is obesity and health related problems. They also offer their Personal Genetic Analysis test analysing over 150 genes related to disease susceptibility, response to certain medicines and traits and talents and access to their sister medical company Just4Me Genetics, offering further medical analyses in the fields of Cardiology, Hereditary Cancers, Pediatrics, Neurology and Hematology. These are all at an affordable price and far more advanced than its competitors (ideal for looking into family hereditary diseases).
An excellent area to begin with is Nutrigenetics allowing an individual to discover the most effective nutrition and fitness plan using their genetic profile, used for everything from weight loss to increasing muscle strength in athletes. Professor Kennedy’s protocols have been used with Olympic athletes, Football teams like Barcelona FC and Lionel Messi and even at NASA. His work has been published with Harvard Medical School to control symptoms of hypertension, obesity, cardiac disease, stroke and ADHD. He used the genetic tests to inform what kind of tailored preventative medical program each person’s genetic profile required.
Even more astoundingly, his programs have been published to show how genetic analysis can improve your IQ, memory and ability to solve complex strategic problems. He has also used the Just4Me NutriFit Analysis to see how food impacts each patient’s genetic profile. This is the science of Nutrigenomics and he has used it to treat nutrition as the neurological “signals” which changed the gene expression after they completed his program making them healthier and fit to perform at their peak.

Harvard Medical School Affiliate | McLean Hospital | Founding Fellow Inst. of Coaching
Genetics alone cannot provide you with improved performance and lifestyle, which is why it is important to have the best coaches, facilities, scientists and optimal environmental conditions. The Just4Me Team of Experts and their high quality partners and clinics help you along the way taking you on a journey to achieving your goals; whether its weight loss, gaining muscle, injury prevention, disease prevention or just gaining greater vitality. With your genetic analysis their expert team and partners will optimise your training, nutrition, recovery and injury prevention programs, working with everyone from kids to professional athletes and even the elderly.
It is never too late to discover your genes…”It is never too late to discover your genes but children especially can benefit from a young age. Just4Me strongly believe that education is an important factor and by offering more than just a DNA test individuals gain greater benefits and improved results through understanding. By educating children about their genome, they can learn about foods and exercises suited to their bodies while also preventing injuries which is a common problem later in life. At the same time any potential health risks and diseases are flagged and important recommendations can be provided.