Monster Employment Index Records High Demand for UAE Medical Professionals


Dubai, 16 August, 2016 – With ambitious healthcare objectives and several advancements in the pipeline, the Monster Employment Index (MEI) July 2016 shows that demand in healthcare professionals has increased by 12 percent from the same period last year.

In reaching Vision 2021 healthcare goals, the UAE government is investing heavily in the healthcare industry to help further raise its high standards on a global level. The investments have taken shape in various forms from introducing the latest in technology, to advancing medical institutes and developing a number of new medical facilities.

“Amid an uncertain employment landscape in the UAE, healthcare continues to demonstrate strong demand for medical professionals, and with exciting plans ahead in the industry, opportunities are bound to arise across other sectors as well including construction, technology and education which will be needed to support these initiatives,” said Sanjay Modi, Managing Director – APAC and Middle East,

Recent developments in the field include the construction of a number of new international hospitals being built across the emirates, a USD 2billion project to establish a modern medical university by 2017, and the implementation of high-tech sensors, biometric readers and even robots that are helping medical staff perform more effectively and efficiently.

Despite a 22 percent annual dip in UAE job opportunities listed online in July 2016, the MEI reveals optimistic results across Consumer Goods/ FMCG, Food & Packaged Food, Home Appliance, Garments/ Textiles/ Leather, Gems & Jewellery, with 25 percent year-on-year growth in online job posts in the UAE. This is followed by Production/Manufacturing, Automotive, Ancillary; and Engineering, Construction and Real Estate with a growth of 8 percent and 6 percent respectively in job opportunities posted online, as compared to the same period a year ago.

From the GCC countries analysed, the latest MEI records that Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman are the only nations to register year-on-year growth in July 2016 with an 11 percent increase in online recruitment activity observed in Bahrain, followed by 10 percent in Kuwait and Oman.

UAE Top Growth Industries  UAE Lowest Growth Industries
Year-over-year Growth Jul15 Jul16 % GrowthY-o-Y Year-over-year Growth Jul15 Jul16 % Growth Y-o-Y
Consumer Goods/ FMCG, Food & Packaged Food , Home Appliance, Garments/ Textiles/ Leather, Gems & Jewellery 102 128 25% BFSI 178 139 -22%
Production/Manufacturing, Automotive and Ancillary 99 107 8% Oil and Gas 82 55 -33%
Engineering, Construction and Real Estate 120 127 6% Hospitality 121 75 -38%
 UAE Top Growth Occupations   UAE Lowest Growth Occupations
Year-over-year Growth Jul15 Jul16 % Growth   Y-o-Y   Year-over-year Growth Jul15 Jul16 % Growth Y-o-Y
Health Care 153 172 12% Software, Hardware, Telecom 169 133 -21%
Engineering and Production 118 126 7% Customer service 70 47 -33%
Hospitality and Travel 96 94 -2% Finance and Account 138 85 -38%

 The Monster Employment Index is a monthly gauge of online job posting activity in Middle-East based on a real-time review of tens of thousands of employer job opportunities culled from a large representative selection of career Web sites and online job listings. The Index does not reflect the trend of any one advertiser or source, but is an aggregate measure of the change in job listings across the industry.

 Monster Employment Index Middle East results for the past 18 months are as follows:

Feb15 Mar15 Apr15 May15 Jun15 Jul15 Aug15 Sep15 Oct15 Nov15 Dec15 Jan16 Feb16 Mar16 Apr16 May16 Jun16 Jul16 Y-o-Y
154 165 167 179 185 177 175 173 174 181 173 166 166 178 160 148 146 1221 -31%

 Industry Year-over-Year Trends: Of the twelve sectors monitored by the Index, four industry sectors saw online hiring exceed the year-ago level.

Consumer Goods/ FMCG, Food & Packaged Food, Home Appliance, Garments/ Textiles/ Leather, Gems & Jewellery (up 26 percent) led all monitored industry sector by the way of long-term growth even in July 2016. It is notable, however, that the pace of growth in the sector is gradually moderating. The sector recorded a negative month-on-month (down 17 percent) and three-month (down 16 percent). The six-month growth rate eased from 27 percent in June to three percent in July 2016.

Production/Manufacturing, Automotive and Ancillary (up 10 percent) was next in the rung. Online hiring in the sector has been going strong this year. E-recruitment activity has been positive, on an annual basis, in all months starting January 2016. Month-on-month, there has been a one percent decline in online opportunities.

IT and Telecom/ISP (up three percent) and Health Care (up two percent) were the only other sector to exhibit a positive long-term growth.

Engineering, Construction and Real Estate (down 12 percent); BFSI (down 49 percent); Retail/Trade and Logistics (down 55 percent) charted steeper annual declines this month vis-à-vis June 2016. Online hiring activity eased the most in Hospitality (down 62 percent).

Top Growth Industries    Lowest Growth Industries
Year-over-year Growth Jul15 Jul16 % GrowthY-o-Y Year-over-year Growth Jul15 Jul16 % Growth Y-o-Y
Consumer Goods/ FMCG, Food & Packaged Food , Home Appliance, Garments/ Textiles/ Leather, Gems & Jewellery 78 98 26% Education 202 128 -37%
Production/Manufacturing, Automotive and Ancillary 82 90 10% BFSI 214 110 -49%
IT and Telecom/ISP 132 136 3% Advertising, Market Research, Public Relations, Media and Entertainment 153 73 -52%
Health Care 149 152 2% Retail/Trade and Logistics 174 78 -55%
Chemicals/ Plastic/ Rubber, Paints, Fertilizer/ Pesticides 99 88 -11% Hospitality 210 80 -62%

 Occupation Year-over-Year Trends: Online demand exceeded the year-ago level in just one out of the 11 occupation groups monitored by the Index.

There continues to be high demand for Health Care (up 27 percent) professionals. Year-on-year growth rate improved six points from 21 percent in June 2016.

Online demand for Customer Service professionals matched the year-ago level. Month-on-month, the group saw a 22 percent decline in demand.

The growth momentum even though negative improved two points and six points respectively for Purchase / Logistics / Supply Chain (down six percent); and Engineering and Production (down 17 percent). Online demand for Purchase / Logistics / Supply increased three percent between June and July 2016 while demand for Engineering and Production remained at June level.

Marketing & Communications/Arts/Creative (down 60 percent) witnessed the steepest annual decline in demand.

Top Growth Occupations 
Lowest Growth Occupations
Year-over-year Growth Jul15 Jul16 % Growth   Y-o-Y   Year-over-year Growth Jul15 Jul16 % Growth Y-o-Y
Health Care 134 170 27% Finance and Account 170 103 -39%
Customer service 69 69 0% Hospitality and Travel 190 100 -47%
Purchase / Logistics / Supply Chain 115 108 -6% HR & Admin. 185 89 -52%
Legal 123 103 -16% Sales and BD 249 111 -55%
Engineering and Production 140 116 -17% Marketing & Communications/Arts/Creative 216 87 -60%

 Geographic Year-over-year Trends: Online hiring surpassed the year-ago level in three countries out of the seven monitored by the Index

Bahrain (up 11 percent); Kuwait (up 10 percent); and Oman (up 10 percent) are the only countries to record a positive annual growth even this month. Bahrain continued to lead the chart; the year-on-year growth rate eased 12 points between June and July 2016. The growth momentum in Oman improved seven points. Kuwait registered a positive annual growth following low levels in April, May as well as in June 2016.

E-recruitment activity in UAE (down 22 percent) slipped below the year-ago level. This is the first negative growth since January 2015. Online demand dropped 17 percent between June and July 2016. KSA (down 15 percent) continues to chart negative growth trend.

Egypt (down 34 percent) recorded the most notable annual decline among all monitored countries yet again.

Year-over-year Growth Jul15 Jul16 % Growth Y-o-Y
Bahrain 132 146 11%
Kuwait 115 127 10%
Oman 113 124 10%
KSA 144 122 -15%
UAE 151 118 -22%
Qatar 150 112 -25%
Egypt 171 113 -34%


KSA Highlights

  • Monster Employment Index KSA declines 15 percent from the year-ago level
  • Oil and Gas sector continues to lead on an year-on-year basis
  • Online recruitment activity declines the most in Hospitality
  • Health Care professionals witness the most notable growth in demand even in July
KSA Top Growth Industries  KSA Lowest Growth Industries
Year-over-year Growth Jul15 Jul16 % GrowthY-o-Y Year-over-year Growth Jul15 Jul16 % Growth Y-o-Y
Oil and Gas 99 145 46% Advertising, Market Research, Public Relations, Media and Entertainment 161 116 -28%
Consumer Goods/ FMCG, Food & Packaged Food , Home Appliance, Garments/ Textiles/ Leather, Gems & Jewellery 99 112 13% Retail/Trade and Logistics 145 80 -45%
IT and Telecom/ISP 146 155 6% Hospitality 198 67 -66%
KSA Top Growth Occupations  KSA Lowest Growth Occupations
Year-over-year Growth Jul15 Jul16 % GrowthY-o-Y Year-over-year Growth Jul15 Jul16 % Growth Y-o-Y
Health Care 119 147 24% Engineering and Production 139 97 -30%
Software, Hardware, Telecom 170 180 6% Marketing & Communications/Arts/Creative 148 97 -34%
Sales and BD 167 161 -4% Hospitality and Travel 147 66 -55%

UAE Highlights

  • Monster Employment Index UAE registers a 22 percent drop from the year-ago
  • Among industry sectors, Consumer Goods/ FMCG, Food & Packaged Food , Home Appliance, Garments/ Textiles/ Leather, Gems & Jewellery leads by the way of long-term growth even this month.
  • Online recruitment activity declines the most in the Hospitality yet again
  • Health Care professionals continues to be most in-demand even in July
UAE Top Growth Industries  UAE Lowest Growth Industries
Year-over-year Growth Jul15 Jul16 % GrowthY-o-Y Year-over-year Growth Jul15 Jul16 % Growth Y-o-Y
Consumer Goods/ FMCG, Food & Packaged Food , Home Appliance, Garments/ Textiles/ Leather, Gems & Jewellery 102 128 25% BFSI 178 139 -22%
Production/Manufacturing, Automotive and Ancillary 99 107 8% Oil and Gas 82 55 -33%
Engineering, Construction and Real Estate 120 127 6% Hospitality 121 75 -38%
 UAE Top Growth Occupations   UAE Lowest Growth Occupations
Year-over-year Growth Jul15 Jul16 % Growth   Y-o-Y   Year-over-year Growth Jul15 Jul16 % Growth Y-o-Y
Health Care 153 172 12% Software, Hardware, Telecom 169 133 -21%
Engineering and Production 118 126 7% Customer service 70 47 -33%
Hospitality and Travel 96 94 -2% Finance and Account 138 85 -38%

By Industry

2015 2016
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Engineering, Construction and Real Estate 140 131 143 147 154 158 142 147 151 138 137 137 123
BFSI 214 183 187 214 195 188 167 156 175 152 138 126 110
Production/Manufacturing, Automotive and Ancillary 82 76 83 82 92 78 74 83 83 92 96 91 90
Retail/Trade and Logistics 174 172 178 173 182 155 139 140 138 125 112 102 78
Oil and Gas 84 75 71 78 75 73 70 74 72 69 67 66 66
IT and Telecom/ISP 132 121 122 134 136 131 118 127 133 130 129 135 136
Hospitality 210 203 203 223 192 191 183 167 167 137 122 110 80
Education 202 197 197 198 177 174 173 178 160 149 150 142 128
Chemicals/ Plastic/ Rubber, Paints, Fertilizer/ Pesticides 99 93 89 96 93 100 96 91 85 79 80 82 88
Consumer Goods/ FMCG, Food & Packaged Food , Home Appliance, Garments/ Textiles/ Leather, Gems & Jewellery 78 77 78 84 89 93 95 103 109 116 111 118 98
Health Care 149 166 159 172 182 161 163 175 174 173 173 181 152
Advertising, Market Research, Public Relations, Media and Entertainment 153 144 132 136 133 127 118 106 95 85 81 77 73

 By Occupation

2015 2016
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Engineering and Production 140 142 147 142 148 152 128 125 130 120 120 116 116
Finance and Account 170 155 155 156 147 174 167 142 158 174 144 130 103
HR & Admin. 185 182 181 200 202 169 159 163 167 154 125 127 89
Sales and BD 249 236 250 253 252 212 201 202 237 197 169 150 111
Purchase / Logistics / Supply Chain 115 115 110 97 102 107 105 105 113 110 102 105 108
Hospitality and Travel 190 193 197 184 179 152 147 134 161 143 136 135 100
Health Care 134 159 166 190 204 179 187 206 207 204 193 198 170
Software, Hardware, Telecom 196 170 151 166 191 175 162 180 196 165 152 166 143
Marketing & Communications/Arts/Creative 216 205 194 183 190 158 154 150 166 147 123 105 87
Customer service 69 74 76 99 108 75 71 73 90 88 95 89 69
Legal 123 111 107 97 95 100 91 103 110 101 105 109 103