Masterminds Nursery has partnered with a globally renowned institute


Masterminds Nursery has partnered with a globally renowned institute that has been a pioneer in childhood development for over 60 years, and whose founders include Nobel Prize laurates. Our enrichment programs integrate a mother’s traditional wisdom with 60 years of leading-edge research in child development to create intellectual, physical and social excellence, in children age eighteen months to six years.

The Masterminds Nursery programs include English, French, and Arabic language immersion, learning to play the violin, gymnastics and swimming, as well as enrichment programs that will ensure all children can read fluently, do maths and have exceptional knowledge, physical and social awareness, by the age of six. These have been proven to be the building blocks of a strong, well-rounded childhood – and beyond, into a successful adult life.

But the question is – Can young children really learn all this? Should they be learning this at such a young age? Are they happy or does this take away from their childhood? Perhaps the most important overarching question was: Why does my child really need all this? The answer is Yes.

0- 6 years is when the brain is developing at the most rapid rate, hence this is the most critical period of opportunity for a child’s intellectual, physical and social development. Not only can young children learn anything, but that they are more adept to learn during the first 6 years of life than they will be at any other stage, and that what they learn at this age will stay with them for the rest of their life. The ability of a child is a product of stimulation and opportunity, not of a preset alarm clock or a predetermined genetic design, and that this stimulation should happen deliberately – not by accident. Most importantly, children would rather learn than do anything else – as long as the process is joyous and operates at the pace of the child.

One universal truth that unites us all is that we want the very best for our children, to give them opportunities even far beyond what we had. We can never replace the value of life experiences but we can ensure that we equip our children to go through them with courage, confidence and wonderment. We can make sure that we equip them to go out in the world and create a life of all round success and happiness. And that is what we wish for your children. This is why we created Masterminds and work hard every day to make this a reality.