High Careers in the field of HR

Dr. Nadir Kolachi Associate Professor Skyline University College


Human Resources Management (HRM) is a field that helps managers to manage the workforce effectively and efficiently. In the 1960s, it was personnel management but an increasing magnitude of companies changed personnel management to HR management. HR comprises of nine to fifteen functions but six are commonly referred to as major parameters. The first is “need for employment” – that identifies the need if any person is required for the company. The second is related to recruitment – that is the process of hiring people. This process comprises ofjob vacancy advertisements, announcements, and invitations to visit companies for prospective entry. The third is about selection – that is actual hiring through interviews, tests and evaluations. The fourth is followed by training that can enhance further skills of the hired person. Training has a further two components as coaching and mentoring – these are practices in the company. The fifth is related to compensation that is set after good performance of employees. The sixth one is about the promotion of the employees.

HR is a career-oriented field; you can hardly name any company that is without HR. HR is the crux and backbone of the company. HR is the central connection of the company. If you have good language skills, a good personality, aptitude with positive attitude then HR is the right field for you. The world’s best MNCs are making heavy investments in hiring good HR managers. You have a great opportunity to be an important part of good companies. It is time to decide and step into the HR field. The best way to start any career is to search the current trends of jobs in different countries. HR jobs will always survive as they mostly deal with people. People who are good in communication will highly be demanded in the HR field. HR has also varied collaborative fields as mentioned in HR functions. One of the most in-demand fields of HR is Training and Development. The HR field can be divided into two more concepts as HRM (this is related to hiring and firing the people) and HRD (this is relevant to Training and Development of employees). Companies are now looking for some people who are good in people skills, as they could contribute towards managing the workforce. This is a highly demanded field in today’s age.

HR is also connected with many other fields, such as IT and Finance. HR has now created HRIS (Human Resource Information System) that maintains people through technological means. There is also some requirement to have information literacy to have a good name in the HR field. The field of HR is the most in-demand field in the new era. Think about it, and start working towards an eventful career in Human Resource Management.