Hannah Young, MSc, MBPsS


Hannah Young, MSc, MBPsS, Language Editor, TYVThe first time I met Namrata was at the International Education Expo in Sharjah. She proudly talked about The Young Vision and her dream of giving students in the UAE a voice. Having previously taught secondary students, I knew instantly that Namrata and I shared a passion for this age group. A while later I became Language Editor for the magazine. I was impressed with the concept. The idea of reaching out to young people, to motivate them and give them the confidence to push themselves to excel beyond the norm got me really excited. Since those early days, The Young Vision has achieved far more than I could have imagined. New initiatives never fail to surprise me and I’m truly excited for the future. I’m delighted to now offer my ‘two-cents’ in my column each issue, and I love reading students’ contributions. On a personal note, through The Young Vision and a shared passion for education, I have met a wonderful friend in Namrata.

Thank you, The Young Vision, for all your hard work. Here’s to another three years and more!