Ethics and Morality in an Urbanising World


By Aasha Eapen –Delhi Private School, Sharjah

We live in a constantly changing world – the population increases, the climate changes and people come and go, all with increasing amounts of speed and amounts of information.

And in an increasingly connected world that is constantly shrinking, we can communicate with people halfway across the globe in a matter of a few hours, heat and eat whole meals without preparation, and purchase merchandise and receive it without stepping out of the house, all with a click of a button.

The sheer speed with which with which things are done has, like just about everything, its pros and cons.

While the facilitation of easier communication and transportation has enabled people to talk to their loved ones far away and helped start and fuel many significant social and political movements, it has also greatly aided the spread of crime, and made society much more open.

Society becoming more open is not necessarily always a good thing because, though it has made incidents like blatant violations of human rights come to the fore, it has also made possible a massive erosion of morals.

Granted, the possibilities presented to us when information is provided to us are endless.
But in a world, where the ”I want it now” mentality is so prevalent, people are increasingly seen to have less attachment to things like real, meaningful friendships, in favour of their materialistic and virtual pursuits.
And in a world where there is so much more importance given to self- projection over real content, true worth is fast getting diluted.

And in a world where there is so much competition, demand for just about everything tends to increase.

Yet, what a lot of people don’t understand is that rights come with responsibilities.

What a lot of people don’t understand is that worthy victory comes through great sacrifice.

What a lot of people don’t understand is that wanton wastage only causes harm.

What a lot of people don’t understand is that true development cannot occur without fully embracing true values at its very core.

A forward-thinking mentality does not imply the acceptance of things that are morally unacceptable in favour of ejection of morals and values we hold dear and acceptance by the larger majority.

A forward-thinking mind does not imply the agreement of the mentality “anything goes” in favour of moving ahead.

Having a principled mind does not mean being shrude and thinking strategically take second place, it means that principles are coupled along with them.

Because moving forward does not imply loosening our morals and values in an increasingly urbanising world.