CBSE Begins Application Process For Class 10, 12 Private Candidates For Board Exams 2019


CBSE has begun the online submission of exam form for class 10, 12 private candidates.


CBSE has begun the online submission of form for class 10, and class 12 candidates placed in the category Fail/ Compartment and those who wish to appear for improving their performance or for an Additional subject as Private candidate for the examination scheduled to be held in February/ March/ April 2019. The application form is available online and students can pay application fee in online mode only.

The application process has started today and will end on November 17, 2018. Students who miss the deadline can apply till November 23, 2018 with a late fine of Rs. 500. Those who miss the deadline of November 23, can apply till November 30 with a late fine of Rs. 1000. A further extension is till December 7 with a late fine of Rs. 2000 and the final deadline is December 14 with a late fine of Rs. 5000.

Students can check the examination fee from the official notice released by CBSE which is also available on CBSE’s official website. Visually impaired students are exempted from examination fee.

Female candidates residing outside of Delhi are not eligible to apply as a private candidate.

Private candidates will be able to apply only for subjects which are auto-generated in the system.

Candidates will be examined only in the Syllabus as prescribed for the year of examination, that is the syllabus prescribed for 2019 board exam. Students are advised to go through the eligibility and pass criteria as well as current curriculum and scheme of studies available on the CBSE website carefully before filling the form.

Source: NDTV India