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Students Workshop

14 Jan 2020 – Business Workshop : Innovation in Management

In this new millennium Technology is changing at a very fast face and especially AI is bound to transform the way businesses are carried out across the globe. Leading a team while implementing new technologies have their own challenges and…

Healthcare Business Bootcamp 2019

Are you curious to know business behind the Medicine?  The Healthcare Business Bootcamp will help you know the difference between the healthcare and general business.  You can gain in-depth knowledge on Healthcare Business and learn…

May 2019- 2nd Fashion Design Bootcamp

Indulge in the Fashion Design Management Bootcamp! Learn the technique behind the dream and discover your passion for fashion world.   If you want to pursue fashion for a career then this boot camp is apt to equip with the skills and…

Feb 2019 : Fashion Design Bootcamp

Indulge in the Fashion Design Management Bootcamp! The Young Vision & College of Fashion Design together has organised a bootcamp to guide you through your fashion journey and help you build your creative skills, knowledge and building…

(FOSM) Future of Sciences & Management 2015

The Future of Sciences & Management – Higher Education Counselling Summit & Exhibition (FOSM-HECSE), a two-day summit targeting students from various medical, non-medical and business fields, under the patronage of Ministry of…