Two Pakistani schools that were inspected showed ‘below expectations’ towards the National Agenda target


2,830 students are studying in schools ‘persistently weak’ for self-evaluation.

Pakistani schools in Dubai scored a ‘good’ level in students’ personal and social development, the KHDA 2017-18 inspection report has revealed.

However,  two Pakistani schools that were inspected showed ‘below expectations’ towards the National Agenda target. The two schools, which serve 2,830, were also ‘persistently weak’ for self-evaluation and governance.

One of the schools, the HH Shaikh Rashid Al Maktoum Pakistani School – Dubai, scored an overall ‘weak’ ranking for the seventh time in a row. The other, Pakistan Education Academy, scored ‘acceptable’ for the sixth time.

Image credit:KHDA

Fatma Belrehif, the executive director of Dubai Schools Inspection Bureau (DSIB), suggested that these schools can hire “outstanding teachers” that can help improve the rating of the school.

“We’ve seen it (weak ranking) in other schools that have low fees, but they manage to get teachers, they manage to get a positive impact, they manage to exchange the practices within the school. You have to get good and outstanding teachers who can be role models for other teachers in the schools,” she said.

“We also highlighted what was good about the schools. We’ve seen the students’ resilience, their personal development, their happiness as good strong points, but on other sides, there is room for improvements.”

The director-general of KHDA, Dr Abdullah Al Karam, said that the KHDA has a policy where schools, that have scored ‘weak’, are not allowed to expand until they improve their ratings.

Source: Khaleej Times