The Young Vision turns 5 today!


15th May is a special day for The Young Vision Magazine team because we have hit a milestone and are celebrating our 5th anniversary.

Who’s The Young Vision?

Launched in 2012, The Young Vision is the leading bilingual (English and Arabic) youth magazine. Since its launch, the bi-monthly magazine has provided a refreshing break from standard youth magazines, and offers its readers an insightful and inspiring look at real life issues and much more.

With the objective of empowering today’s youth, the magazine coaches its readers to prepare them for future opportunities and responsibilities as they enter the corporate world.

Relevant information and articles on education in the UAE and abroad; campus reviews; student speak (straight talk-youth voice); management skill; principal talk; counsellor says; teacher says (via forum); articles on fashion, beauty and technology; health and fitness; food; sports; famous personalities; inspiring features; and a strong focus on higher education make TYV an all-inclusive read for innovating youth.

We were listening!

We looked back on a year of record-breakers, inspiring stars, impressive reader contributions, and enough education news to make your head spin! And you wanted more! You told us that you’re serious about education, and you wanted to know more about how you could take charge of your own future, on a personal and global level. Of course, we listened, and adapted the content of The Young Vision to suit your inquisitive minds and inspiring motivation.

Launch of Digital e-magazine of The Young Vision 

In April 2013, we launched our digital e-magazine of The Young Vision. We know our readers love tech, and the internet is your number one resource for all the latest and greatest news and articles, so we thought you’d like to access your favourite bi-monthly magazine (once in 2 month) online. Our website is now packed full of useful information, resources and links, and our audience is growing minute by minute.

We created platform to showcase your talent!

The Young Vision created platforms to motivate students – perform and excel. The Inter-school competitions offered a chance for participants to gain substantial experience, showcase skills, analyze and evaluate outcomes and uncover personal aptitude. It also encourage students to adopt innovative techniques and develop their ideas and skills.

Whether it’s Science, Business, Arts, Designing, Brain Championship or Debating competition all played an important role in academic achievement and help students to pursue excellence.

What’s TYV Ambassador Programme?

TYV Youth Ambassador Programme is dedicated to high-schoolers & Uni Students who LOVE magazines, digital media, journalism, writing, publicity, or marketing.  The aim is to provide a platform for youth to share, support, discuss, and debate the issues that affect society today.

The Ambassador Programme is educational, inspirational, empowering, entertaining, supportive and non-judgmental. We want you to present your truthful depiction of life through the eyes of the youth, and appeal to the audience who identify with you most. Without a doubt, The Young Vision gives you a voice to fill an ever-existent void in the framework of our youth.

We gave back to the Community!

Great teachers and counselor help create great students. In fact, research shows that an inspiring and informed teacher & counselor is the most important school-related factor influencing student achievement, so it is critical to pay close attention to both Teachers and Counselors.  Hence The Young Vision in partnership with Skyline University College organise the workshop every year on updated topics and support both new and experienced educators and counselors.

A Big Thanks to all our Partners!

Giving back to the community is priority and keeps us driven to excel at work. Community outreach is essential and it also gives leaders and it is important to know who you are helping. Developing ties with us gives company the ability to learn the current issues in academia and priorities in the community. As a result, company will be able to assist the targeted people as efficiently as possible. If communities are safer, residents have more opportunities for education and jobs which results in a stronger local economy.

We’re Committed

We’re committed to bringing you what you need to grow as independent, confident, and creative individuals, who are all-set with the tools you need for a bright future. Our future really is in your hands, and we rely on your contributions and feedback to help us blossom. So, keep writing to us, keep reading The Young Vision, and keep up with all your hard work and dedication towards making this world a brighter place for everyone!  We would love to hear you…connect with us at