Shift yourself from a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset through handwriting



[Ms. Leena Soneja, Handwriting Analyst and Graphotherapist, Handwriting University International, USA]
Imagine yourself having a bad day today. You are in the office and your boss calls you to tell you that a client rejected the project. After a while, you go to the parking lot to take your car and see that you’ve been given a parking ticket. You feel angry and call up a friend to share all the bad things that have been happening since the morning. The friend brushes you off before you can share, and hangs up the phone. How do you react to this situation? What would you feel? What would you do? Here, mindset comes in. If you are a fixed mindset person, you will say, “I feel rejected,” “I am a total failure,” “I am a loser,” “I feel worthless and dumb and even my boss also feels the same.” Excuse me, was there death and destruction, or just a deal that got cancelled, a ticket, and a bad phone call with a friend? If these kinds of feelings keep repeating within you, you are actually a fixed mindset person who has low self-esteem, and is pessimistic and sensitive to criticism and fear of failure.

Okay, let’s look at the same situation from the person who has a growth mindset. He will say, “The cancelled deal tells me that I need to work hard for other deals and achieve my target,” “I will pay the ticket but next time I will be careful when parking the car,” “I wonder if my friend had a bad day, I will speak to him after some time.” Things like the client cancellation, parking ticket, and the friend ignoring you are not fun events, but a person with a growth mindset, though feeling distressed, is ready to take the risks, confront the challenges, and keep working at them. The person with a growth mindset has positivity, optimism, and enthusiasm to face the challenge, and carries high self-esteem and confidence.

How does all this relate to our handwriting? How can we know from handwriting that person has a fixed mindset or growth mindset? Fixed and growth mindsets are related to our brain. Our definitions of failure or success come from our belief system. These belief systems have helped us to grow our personality accordingly. Similarly, handwriting is brain writing. Everything gets registered in the subconscious mind and it comes out on the paper when we write. Handwriting reveals the entire personality of the person. Now, can you make the connection between mindset and handwriting? Of course, yes, if you have a growth mindset, you will definitely have traits of success in your handwriting. A graphologist can tell you your success traits from the handwriting. You actually can shift yourself from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset by changing your handwriting.

So, what is your mindset? Ask the graphologist, send us your query at!

Author: Ms. Leena N Soneja, Graphologist (Handwriting University USA)