Sanjeev Misra, General Manager, Jumbo Electronics Co. LTD (LLC)
Congratulations TYV for celebrating your 3rd Anniversary. We have been associated with TYV since their inception and we have seen them growing at a very fast pace.
The very concept of TYV is very innovative as they have been able to create content for the school & university students which is very informative as well as interesting to read. TYV connects the student fraternity with the outside world as it always apprises with the latest technology and activities.
TYV motivates the students to actively participate by inviting them to write articles in their magazine which is really a very good gesture in order to install confidence in the students to express & share their ideas.
TYV is not only informative but very educative. Apart from this they have been engaging in workshops where they bring parents, teachers and other related people on a common platform thus creating an excellent forum of learning and exchange of ideas.
The penetration that TYV has achieved in these successful three years with various schools, colleges and universities has helped them to create an excellent database which in turn can be useful for an organisation like ours to connect with the students and communicate about our products.
Wishing TYV to keep on continuing this good work and to have many more successful years ahead.