Keeping it Simple in 2018


We’re now a good few weeks into 2018, and by now you probably have a pretty good idea about whether or not your resolutions are going to be a success! If you’ve already let them slip, read on.

Many of us have a tendency to overcomplicate our resolutions. They can be far too ambitious, or just too high in number! Our lives are already complicated enough, and resolutions, when we don’t stick to them, really can do us more harm than good. We see ourselves as having failed, and that just sets us up on a negative path for the new year. Nobody wants that!

So, we’ve come up with some simple tips that might just help you to simplify your life in 2018. See them as resolutions if you want to, or goals you’d like to work towards. But, whatever you do, don’t think of it as a failure if you don’t stick to them!

Keep your world clutter-free with the two-minute rule.

It’s easy to put-off boring chores such as doing the washing up or hanging up those clothes, but if you stick to the ‘two-minute’ rule, you might just keep on top of it. Every time you feel the ‘Ahhh, I’ll do it later’ thought begin to kick in, ask yourself if the task at hand will take less than two minutes. If it will, get it done right now. You’ll feel so much better for it, and you’d be surprised how little time these tasks really take! If it’s a bigger task, then…

Make a list.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by everything we have to do if we just allow those thoughts to keep popping up as and when they wish to. We can get the impression that our to-do list is far longer than it really is. So, write it down. No excuses. Whether you use good old-fashioned pen and paper, or make a list on your phone or tablet, write down all the tasks you need to complete, and get ready to experience that oh-so-satisfying moment when you actually begin to tick them off!

Trying to curb your spending? Try the two-week rule.

I probably don’t need to tell you how easy it is to get carried away with spending in a world where advertisements seem to pop up into our vision every five minutes. In fact, some estimates suggest we’re exposed to between 4000 and 5000 ads every single day. If you’re a bit of an impulse buyer, give the two-week rule a go: Every time you see something you want to buy, wait two weeks. If you still really want it after two weeks, then buy it. But the chances are, you’ll have forgotten all about it.

Log out of social media, and make time for yourself.

If you’re a regular reader of TYV, you should be an expert at making time for yourself! We’re all about mindfulness and self-care, and we’ve talked about self-care in the age of social media. But we really can’t stress this enough. Not only will this have a huge impact in itself, but it will also help you to meet the goals we’ve already talked about. If you have social media apps on your phone, try deleting one (or all!) of them for a few days. See what difference it makes to your time-management and your wellbeing.

Simplify with a simple ‘no’.

Our society increasingly pushes us to believe that a successful person is an all-singing, all-dancing, sociable, busy, workaholic automaton. We feel guilty if we put ourselves first. We feel guilty if we’re not able to keep a commitment, if we have to cancel a plan, if we can’t meet a deadline. 2018 is the year to exercise your ‘no’ muscles. Be assertive, and feel proud of yourself for being so honest about what you can and can’t do.

Resolutions, goals, or some ideas to try out? It’s up to you. But whatever you do, live 2018 for yourself.

Happy New Year!

Written By: Hannah Young, MSc, MBPsS, Language Editor, TYV