International Media Diplomacy Programme concludes in Washington DC


The programme is the latest in a series of leadership development opportunities created by the Government of Dubai.

[The International Media Diplomacy Programme (IMDP), organised by the Government of Dubai Media Office (GDMO), concluded Saturday with a graduation event hosted by the UAE Embassy in Washington D.C. Courtesy Dubai Government Media Office.]
The International Media Diplomacy Programme (IMDP), organised by the Government of Dubai Media Office (GDMO), concluded Saturday with a graduation event hosted by the UAE Embassy in Washington DC.

The programme is the latest in a series of leadership development opportunities created by GDMO for members of the Dubai Media Diplomacy and Communication Network.

Developed in partnership with the Protocol School of Washington and offered exclusively to members of the network, the programme was held from November 10 to 16 in Washington. The course was focused on giving participants a stronger understanding of public diplomacy, international relations, cross-cultural communication, international protocol, leadership, executive presence and messaging skills.

Participants also visited the US State Department, Nasa headquarters, the Public Diplomacy Council, the Meridian International Centre, PYXERA Global and Voice of America to learn more about their perspectives on communication strategies.

The graduation event was attended by Yousef Al Otaiba, UAE Ambassador to the United States and Mona Al Marri, director general of the GDMO.

“Programmes like these support the UAE’s global vision and aspirations to spread across our messages by helping to create dynamic communicators who are skilled in engaging with audiences across the world,” Mr Al Otaiba. “Communication is an essential element in diplomacy where media is a significant platform for global representation.”

Ms Al Marri thanked the ambassador for hosting the IMDP participants at the UAE Embassy in Washington and expressed her appreciation for the commendable work that the embassy has done in fostering understanding and cooperation between the US and the UAE.

“Communication leaders in the UAE have a unique opportunity to tell the stories of the UAE’s vision, growth and development to a global audience,” Ms Al Marri said. “These are stories not only of leadership, excellence and innovation but also of diversity, tolerance and peaceful co-existence. We have to tell our stories creatively and innovatively, using new tools and strategies.”

Speaking to The National, Ms Al Marri described her visit, that was separate from the IMDP course and focused on the field of gender equality, as “very constructive.”

“We got a very good response in our meetings with the IMF” she said. “They have welcomed the idea of collaboration and will be attending the world government summit [to be held in UAE] in February.”

“We are discussing a collaboration to be announced at the summit and we will have something concrete to be announced by the end of December,” Ms Al Marri told The National.

The focus of the IMF talks were to narrow the gender gap and “coordinate efforts in the field of gender budgeting”, Ms Al Marri added. Gender budgeting is a new initiative towards a more equal budget distribution among the genders rather than separating budgets.

“Our goal is to be one of top 25 countries in the UNDP report on the gender equality index and we look forward to achieving it by 2021,” Ms Al Marri said.

Source: The National