Indian curriculum offers continuity

School inspection recommendations are aligned to individual schools based on their context, findings and specific needs.
Indian schools are making a difference to the education landscape in the UAE. According to the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) there are 34 Indian curriculum schools in Dubai, serving 78,575 students. Thirty-one schools have been inspected this academic year, with three pending. Sixty-nine per cent of students are in good or better schools. Indian schools show a strong improving trend in the TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) and PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) tests.
According to Fatma Belrehif, Executive Director of Dubai Schools Inspection Bureau, for the first time, the majority of Indian schools are judged as generating good or better progress for students of determination. Inspection recommendations are aligned to individual schools based on their context, findings and specific needs. There are areas for development such as the appointment, retention and development of effective leaders at all levels; developing governors’ understanding of the school’s curriculum and of effective teaching and assessment strategies. Increasing governors’ awareness of their responsibility to provide challenge as well as support; and teachers provide students with increased opportunities to think critically, carry out investigations, ask open-ended problems, learn through inquiry and apply their learning to real-life situations.
School inspections are structured around six performance standards and conclude with an overall performance judgement namely students’ achievement, students’ personal and social development, and their innovation skills, teaching and assessment, curriculum, protection, care, guidance and support of students, leadership and management.
Indian curricula offered in Dubai:
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE): The majority of Indian schools in Dubai are affiliated to the CBSE. This is a pan-India board with many schools spread across all states of the country and in 23 countries abroad. It is particularly suited for those children whose parents have transient jobs and need to seek admission for their children in different states or countries.
Indian School Certificate Examinations (ICSE): ICSE schools are relatively fewer in Dubai and are affiliated to the CISCE. This is a pan-India Board with many schools across the country and few abroad. The ICSE curriculum is project-based, and special importance is given to the learning and acquisition of English speaking and listening skills.
Kerala State Board (KSB): A few Indian curriculum schools in Dubai are affiliated to the KSB. This board mainly caters to the Indian community from Kerala. KSB is a regional board with schools spread across the state of Kerala and few in other states of the country.
Fact box
27 Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
1 Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE)
3 Council of the Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE)
Source: Khaleej Times