ICSE (Grade 10) results from GEMS Modern Academy


ICSE 2021 headline results

  • 244 GEMS Modern Academy students appeared for the ICSE examination
  • 100% pass rate
  • Batch average of 93.7%
  • Anwesha Mukherjee topped the ICSE examinations with average best five subjects score of 98.8%, closely followed by Parv Bhadra, who scored 98.6%. Anwesha is an artist of merit and a pianist. Parv is an inventor/innovator, an animal lover and the pioneer of Pawsitive.
  • 114 students (46.7%) secured 95% and above
  • 205 students (84%) secured 90% and above
  • For the first time in GEMS Moder Academy’s ICSE history, the results include 159 perfect scores of 100 in different subjects, and 1,107 scores of 90 and above across all subjects. 99 students (40.6%) scored 90% and above in all the subjects that they appeared for.
  • Number of centums (100s)70 in History Civics Geography (HCG), 58 in Computer Applications, 16 in Economic Applications, 5 in Drama, 4 in PE and 3 in Environment Application, Home Science


Anwesha Mukherjee: “When I was a child, my parents and teachers instilled in me one of the most priceless lessons, that there are only three substitutes to hard work – hard work, hard work and hard work. I would certainly not be where I am today had I not had the unwavering support of my family, teachers and friends in strengthening my resolve. I am extremely thankful to each one of them, not only for helping me get the desired marks, but also for holistically shaping me to be an independent decision-maker.”

Parv Bhadra: It is a wonderful feeling to have done well, especially with our world turned upside down by Covid. I’d like to thank my parents and teachers for their immense effort to ensure that my learning wasn’t hampered by the pandemic. Although these marks aren’t a direct result of a written exam, they remind us that hard work and dedication pay off in the long run.”

Nargish Khambatta, Principal, GEMS Modern Academy: There was so much learning for everyone this year, and this batch will probably be more equipped to handle anything the morrow unfolds in the future. We are so proud of them for having gone through all that they have with a quiet sense of fortitude and self-assurance. They deserve every accolade that comes their way. Their teachers, supervisors and parents must get special recognition for keeping their morale up and helping them stay focused despite what was happening around them. They have been an integral part in crafting today’s success stories during what has been a very interesting and difficult year.”