Structural Engineering

Structural Engineers is a subset of civil engineering that includes understand, predict and calculate the stability, strength of built structures. They ensure buildings and other structures do not rotate, deflect, collapse or vibrate excessively and that they remain secure and stable throughout their use. They also inspect existing structures and buildings to test.

Architects and professional engineers needs help to design most structures for houses, office blocks and more. It is the structural engineer’s duty to choose the correct materials, such as concrete, timber, steel, and masonry, to meet design specifications, and they are often involved in examining the work and advising contractors.

Academic Entry Requirement

  • Grade 12 – Science Stream (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics as core subjects)
  • After Graduation – Degree in Bachelor of Engineering/B.Tech

Degree In

  • S. Degree in Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering)
  • S. Degree in Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering)
  • D. Degree in Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering)

Who can hire?

Aircraft manufacturers, oil companies, local authorities, railway operators.

Professional Career

As a graduate structural engineer, you will work towards the expert status of Associate or Chartered Member. Structural engineering is considered a field of civil engineering, but while civil engineers may design tunnels, roadways, bridges and dams, a structural engineer make sure that specific architectural components such as foundations, beams, floors and columns are structurally sound. In addition to public safety concerns, structural engineers must also take into account aesthetics and cost efficiency.