Aerospace engineering is a crucial field of engineering concerned with the development of spacecraft and aircraft. It is one of the modern branches of engineering, and started in the 19th century with the 1st experiments in powered flight. It has 2 major branches: astronautical engineering and aeronautical engineering. The course also concentrate on new technologies in aviation, space exploration and defence systems. A wide range of aerospace career fields offers opportunities for high job satisfaction.

Academic Entry Requirement

  • Grade 12 – Science Stream with Maths
  • Graduation – Pursue B.Tech in Aerospace Engineering, Pursue B.Tech + M.Tech (Dual Degree)in Aerospace Engineering
  • After Graduation – Pursue M.Tech
  • After Post Graduation – Pursue Ph.D.

Degree In

  • Tech in Mechanical Engineering
  • Master of Engineering in Tool Design
  • Piping Design and Engineering Course
  • Mechatronics Course
  • Robotics Course
  • Master’s in Business Administration
  • Nanotechnology

Who can hire?

Aircraft And Aircraft Component Manufacturing Companies, The Armed Forces, Including The Royal Navy, The Army And The Royal Air Force (RAF), Government Research Agencies Such As The Defence Engineering And Science Group (DESG), The Ministry Of Defence (Mod) And The Department For Business, Energy And Industrial Strategy (BEIS), The Further And Higher Education Sectors, Regulators Such As Airline Operators, The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).

Professional Career

Employment of aerospace engineers is expected to grow in future. Aircraft are being reformed to cause less pollution and noise and have better fuel efficiency, which will help sustain demand for research and development. As well, international governments progress their space exploration efforts, new companies are emerging to provide access to space beyond the access gave by standard governmental space agencies.