27 – 29 Oct Najah Abu Dhabi 2021

Najah Abu Dhabi and Najah Dubai will be organised in accordance with Informa's AllSecure health and safety standard. Informa AllSecure is our approach to enhanced health & safety standards at our events following COVID-19.


SHOW DATES:  27 – 29 October 2021
SHOW TIMINGS:  15:00 to 22:00 daily
OPEN TO:  Students, Parents & General Public
VENUE :  Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC)

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Your One-Stop Higher Education Source  

Bringing you the best higher education connections and opportunities, Najah brings the future of success for students all across the region.

Making your university search easy for you, Najah is the region’s leading higher education event. Whether you’re a student, parent, school teacher, or counsellor, our events weaves together the best academic networks and seminar theatres to give you the opportunity to learn about the many scholarship opportunities provided by various universities. With exclusive content specially curated by the Ministry of Education of the UAE, we strive to make a future of success easy for all across the region.

“As a school counsellor, I have been attending NAJAH year on year. This year was particularly interesting as they held a counsellor’s forum on the first day, the topics covered included Educating Future Leaders; The Easy Way to Beat Exam Stress; Being the Master of you own Destiny”

Madhu Kumar, School Counsellor

Najah in Numbers

An interactive experience for students aged 16+, as well as their parents, school counselors, principals and career advisors to research and meet university representatives from around the world

Najah is here to help you:

Najah is a Multi-Region Education Hub

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