Virtual Workshop for Principal & HOD 2021

The workshop will be conducted using online interaction with practical guidance and support on understanding eSafety and why it is important to understand and embed it into the school environment.


The Young Vision – Youth Education Magazine and Skyline University College invites you to a Virtual Workshops for Principals and HOD Meet.

The virtual workshop for Principal and HODs will provide an expert insights into new paradigm of leadership in the current time and also highlight the need for a tactical plan to handle unexpected situation. The second session will discuss the importance of eSafety and the responsible use of technology.


SESSION 1 – 10 AM TO 10:45 AM Followed by Q & A

“The new paradigm of leadership” by Dr Raid 

SESSION 2 – 11 AM TO 11:45 AM Followed by Q & A

“eSafety – The Safe and Responsible use of Technology” by Dr Deepak and Dr Abdul Salam