Apr 2017-3rd PROTeachers Workshop


Date     : 26th April 2017
Venue  : Skyline University College
Time     : 9 am to 1 pm
Topic    :
21st Century Classroom

The Young Vision – UAE’s Education Magazine and Skyline University College invites you to “PROTeachers Workshop” on 26th April 2017.

For more than a decade we have accepted that 21st century skills are essential for students’ future thriving. Yet we still struggle to locate these trans-disciplinary skills in our curriculum and match them to the specific skill sets employers are seeking. Keeping that in mind, the workshop will provide an implementation of 4C Skills. The aim of the workshop is to acquire in depth knowledge on 4Cs implementation in 21st Century Classroom.  Whether teaching faculty or education specialists, participants will leave with a clear vision not only of how to prepare students for the future, but of how they as individuals can promote change within their institutions.