Grow with plants – plant a birthday tree

By Arushi Madan, Grade 12, Delhi Private School, Sharjah

While we have many days to celebrate, such as Environment Day, Earth Day, Water Day, No Tobacco Day, Car-free Day, International Youth Day, etc., and we try to be a part of them,besides these important days, everyone has their own very special day – that is, our birthdays. As a responsible inhabitant of this planet, I feel everyone should celebrate their birthdays in an eco-friendly way. Yes, I am talking about Birthday Plantation, which is the best way to have a green celebration on special days like birthdays or anniversaries.

We all know that global warming is at its peak and is showing its worst consequences in the form of increasing disasters like frequent earthquakes/hurricanes/floods/droughts, etc. It has reached such an alarming state that we don’t have time to think, we need to act NOW.

Trees are the lifelines or lungs of the Earth. They are the best creation of GOD and provide benefits not only for the environment but also for humans. Trees are one of the most efficient ways to combat climate change and global warming. It would be a big positive move towards environmental protection if we all start planting birthday trees/anniversary trees and help promote this idea ‘till it becomes the most trending thing.

The world’s population is reaching 7 billion. Imagine, if each of us planted a tree/sapling on our birthday alone, this world wouldmake the earth much greener and purer with 7 billion trees in a year. And if parents or elders or married couples do the same on their wedding anniversaries as well, it would be the icing on the cake. I plant trees on my birthdays and from this year onwards we have started this for my parents’ wedding anniversary as well.

Recently, Indian PM Mr. Narendra Modi visited the UAE. This was the first time after 34 years that any PM from India visited the UAE. His visit was undoubtedly historic. I was thinking and wanted to convey my wish to him that he should plant a tree to make his historic visit more memorable and inspiring.

Imagine if parents planted a tree when their new child is born, and took his picture with the tree every year on his birthday. This way, parents would watch the tree growing with their child and would build a green future. I wish people would start this tradition and make this world a much better and greener place to live for all of us. Change has to begin from us, so whoever is reading this, make it a practice to plant a tree from your next birthday onwards and spread the word around ‘till all 7 billion people of this world have at least one tree each.