Dr. Thakur Mulchandani – Testimonial


Dear members of the Editorial Board;

“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.”  These words by Franklin D. Roosevelt perfectly describe the aim of the ‘The Young Vision’ as an Education Focused Social Enterprise.  As an ardent reader of the publication, I have undoubtedly realized that it helps transform the next generation of thinkers, artists, scientists, doctors, engineers, social activists and entrepreneurs in whom a positive change is inspired. The publication is apparently instrumental in inspiring a positive change in the Youth around the world. Beyond providing a varied platform to acquire knowledge and excel in all walks of life, the magazine also provides a holistic learning experience for the progeny.  Over the years as a keen reader, propagator and patron of your magazine, I have perceived that the publication intents to teach students to learn, not just study. Hence, it strives to travel beyond the boundaries of the print matter. The team behind the magazine have realized that the future is abstract and unknown but the youth in our hands are real and can be molded for remaining a constant beacon that imparts knowledge to the up-coming generation.

I am   pleased to know that your periodical the ‘Young Vision’ has completed six years magnificently. As an educationist, and a learner, I most profoundly value your priceless contributions, tailored for the posterity, and chisel them to scale the ladder of triumph and attain the summit of excellence.   Kindly acknowledge my heartiest congratulation on this accomplishment. Your journal obviously has gathered remarkable popularity over these years and has garnered the favourability of the masses. I would also like to congratulate your team of editors, writers and journalists as their sheer hard work, perseverance and determination has helped the magazine reach this place.

I, on behalf of Sunrise English Private School, feel extremely proud to be your patron  and wish you good luck for future ventures. I expect that my alliance   and cooperation will help you reach your goals and open new vistas for more subscription and also attract more marketing.  Wishing you all the very best.

Best Wishes and Regards

Dr. Thakur Mulchandani
Principal – Sunrise English Private School, ABU DHABI