Mining Engineering is a subset of CIVIL ENGINEERING that create and design systems are used to locate, transport and extract natural resources. Mining engineers examine the practicality, safety and output of potential mines. They also develop equipment and carry out research that reduce the environmental effect of mining and strictly work with geotech, surveying and metallurgy experts.
Academic Entry Requirement
- Grade 12 – Science Stream with Mathematics
- Graduation – Pursue B.Tech in Mining Engineering, B.Tech + M.Tech (Dual Degree) in Mining
- After Graduation – Pursue M.Tech
- After Post-Graduation – Pursue Ph.D.
Degree In
- Bachelor of Engineering in Mining Engineering
- Bachelor of Technology in Mineral Engineering
- Bachelor of Technology in Mining Engineering
- Master of Engineering in Mining Engineering
- Master of Philosophy in Mine Planning & Design
- Master of Philosophy in Mining Engineering
- Master of Philosophy in Open Cast Mining
- Master of Technology in Long wall & Mine Mechanisation
- Master of Technology in Mine Planning & Design
- Master of Technology in Mining Engineering
- Master of Technology in Mining Machinery Engineering
Who can hire?
Mining finance and consultancy companies, Mining companies, quarrying and extraction companies, environmental consultancies, major manufacturing and construction companies.
Professional Career
Mining Engineers Design, monitor and implement the development of mines, facilities, systems, or equipment. Inspect maps and decide the location, size, availability, value and potential profitability of oil, mineral, and gas deposits. Develop solutions to problems of water and air pollution, land reclamation, such as methods of turning exhausted mine sites to natural state and storing excavated soil. Select material handling methods and equipment to transport ore, mineral products and waste materials efficiently and economically. Conduct or direct mining operations to test or prove test findings. Measure the commercial viability of new mining projects. Test air quality to detect toxic gases and recommend measures to remove them.