All the best for CBSE Board examination 2018!


Quick look at CBSE time guidelines for examination centres

It’s March 5, 2018, and students from across the country are ready to face the CBSE Board examinations 2018. As many as 17,547 schools are participating in the examination that starts today. After a gap of almost 9 years, class 10 students would be facing the Central Board of Secondary Education, CBSE Boards for the first time. To help the students be prepared, here is a quick look at CBSE time guidelines for the examination centres. We look at the time schedule of the board exams, by when the students are allowed to enter and what happens next.

Before we begin, a simple word of advice to all the students – do not panic. Teachers and examiners are there to help you through every step. The schedule provided below is ideal and would be followed across the centres to ensure discipline in the examinations. Also provided are some last minute tips for students and parents who are getting ready for the board examination.

9:00 am – 9:30 am: Reach the Examination Center for checking

The first days are usually more rushed as the anxiety levels of parents and students are high. Schools usually start letting the candidates enter the centres by 9:30 to help them find their rooms. Also, students would not be allowed to carry any printed material inside. Digital watches are not allowed and mobile phones are a strict no. Hence, please avoid. Even the pencil boxes should be plain and clean. Clipboards are allowed but should not have anything written on them. At about 9:30 the schools would open the gates and only students would be allowed to enter the examination hall. Parents are not allowed inside. Also, students are required to carry their ORIGINAL Admit Card, so parents should check the same.

10:00 am – Time to be seated

Students are expected to be seated on their chairs by 10:00 am on the day of the examination. While students may still be allowed to enter the examination centre, it is advisable to be at the examination centre by 9 or 9:30 am.

10:00 – 10:05 am – Time of distribution of Answer Sheets

Students would be handed over the answer sheets. Students to note that the front page of the answer sheet requires the student to fill all the information. There is also an OMR sheet at the front. Please do not panic or worry, invigilators would assist students and explain how the sheets need to be filled. CBSE provided students 15 minutes to fill the first page of answer sheets which is more than enough. So, relax and follow the instructions carefully.

10:15 am – Reading time starts and question papers are handed over

CBSE mandates a 15 minute reading time for students. Accordingly, the teachers would hand over the question paper to students and they can go through the question paper. Please note, you would not be allowed to write anything but can go through the question paper, understand what and how you need to attempt and be ready.

10:30 am – Bell rings, the start of the examination

At 10:30, the invigilators would signal the start of the examination. Students can now start writing. Please remember, students are not allowed to enter the examination centre after 10:30 am. Hence, it is important for students to ensure that they know the schedule and reach the examination centres accordingly.

Please remember, students are not allowed to leave the examination centres before 2:30 hours, that is about 1:00 pm. Also, CBSE mandates an extra 15 minutes for every hour – which is total 45 minutes for 3 hour paper for students with special needs. Students with special needs have also been allowed the use of computers this year. Diabetic students can carry their snacks and all students are allowed to carry their water bottles. Schools would also provide water for the students and students need not panic. Keep these timings in mind. Parents may find traffic near examination centres. They are requested, hence to stay calm and relaxed so as to help their wards. Times Now wishes all the students the very best of luck for their CBSE Class 10 and 12 Board Examinations.

Source: Times Now News