Apps We Love

Written By - The Young Vision Ambassador, Viraj Pathania, Dubai.


“Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary.” Fred Rogers

Mental health has been a great issue during the coronavirus pandemic, so here are some apps that could support you.


Headspace is a perfect app for mindfulness tips and guides for your everyday life. This app helps you stay happy, stress-free and enjoy sound sleep.


Happify is an app which has various science-based activities and games. It helps you overcome negative thoughts, stress and life’s challenges. This app’s techniques are developed by leading experts who’ve been studying evidence-based interventions in various mindfulness therapies for decades.

Anxiety Reliever

Anxiety Reliever is an app that consists of calming audio courses, helpful guides, an insightful anxiety tracker, breathing tool and supportive messages. It helps in tracking your mental health, and releasing anxiety and stress.

Insight Timer

Insight Timer is an app that offers 10,000+ free guided meditations which users can modify according to their needs. It consists of options ranging from ambient sounds to the sound of bells. This app also consists of 3,000+ discussion groups and local meet-ups run by users.


Calm is an app that helps users with better sleep, meditation and relaxation. Millions of users are experiencing better sleep, lower stress, and less anxiety with their guided meditations, breathing programs, etc. It is recommended by top psychologists, therapists and mental health experts.